Wednesday, 11 May 2011

End of Outreach

Outreach is over now and I am now an offical SOE (School Of Evangelism) graduate.

This is what I have learned these past 8 months.

1. Daddy likes me. Something I believe is too easy to forget and during outreach God really began to pursue me in this area. I realised as I began to accept these words I found my heart changing towards Him, towards myself and towards others and I found myself with a greater heart for people, with greater perseverance and joy. This 3 word phrase really began to shape and define what I did on outreach. This is something I discovered people really needed to hear. I found countless times during outreach that some of the bet conversations were had when we talked about God being on their side. It really transforms a person.

2. I have a desire to use art and design in evangelism which I have mentioned many times. But I did my best to pursue this on outreach and I really got into prophetic drawing. Often we went on the streets and told people what God thought about them so I thought well lets do that through imagery. God really honored me in this area and I found many doors open as I did this and discovered it is really important key for people to understand that God likes them. It also made me realise how much I wanted people to understand how much I wanted people to know that God likes them. Remember my last post with the video of the free lollipops, I remember one guy coming up to me asking what it was all about and I told him that we do this because God really likes you. He mentioned he never would have guessed we were Christians. It then struck me that all this work I do with God is about re branding Christianity, as too many people have a wrong image of God, me and God were setting the record straight. 

3. Our last week we spent a week on a youth retreat (pictures below) and it was incredible as God allowed me to see so much potential in so many young people. It was a huge blessing and I remember God speaking these words to me. "I believe in you". These words cut deep into me and he said it again "I believe in you". I find this very encouraging and as I began to accept that God thought I was amazing it was so releasing to be me. He then said "Believe in others". So that is what I did and I got to witness that to be believed in is so important if people are going to be able to be their amazing selves in Jesus. So I want to share this with you. I believe in you to be everything God wants you to be, and I believe you can be everything you want to be for God and more.  

Thank you for believing in me.

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