Monday, 20 September 2010

Im off to Sweden

Well I am off to Sweeden to the land of Abba and all things blue and yellow.Sadly Abba won't be there.
I will be going with the whole of YWAM in the Northern Europe sector for 5 days of celebrating 50 years of YWAM. It will be a week of food, cheap sweets/candy and gaining a greater vision for the future of YWAM celebrating Gods faithfulness in the past. I reckon 700+ people will be there.

You will also be happy to hear I am making good use of time learning Norwegian phrases such as:
there's a sweaty moose in the forest
the cheese is in the toilet

You know the important kind of phrases that get you through life.

Prayer Requests 
. The week will be filled with Gods Glory and that we would be drawn near to him in true intimacy
. Have lots of fun

1 comment:

  1. How do you say "there's a sweaty moose in the forest" in Norwegian? I am sure I could find a use for it.

    Hope you have a great time in Sweden.
