Friday, 17 September 2010

Sorry it took a while but I am here

So I write to you know from Norway Skien, very exciting.

It is a very beautiful country really beautiful. At the moment it is sunny and warm but I hear as winter closes in it can get down to -10 degrees celcius. mmmm  nice.

Anyway I am sorry it has taken so long for an entry, internet issues.

Interesting facts
I live in a prison and all rooms are cells.
It turns out also starting the week of the 20-09-2010 it is the 50th  Aniversary of YWAM so I go to Sweeden for 5 days to celebrate an be invisioned with the whole of YWAM in Northern Europe.

Prayer Requests
. I continue to stay open to God, not to lose passion or grow weary but to fight.
. I recieve new revelations of God (intimacy)
. I find ways to be a blessing in Skien Community with art and design (part of course)

My first week of lectures are over and we were learning about bible study methods, very insightful and I feel very encouraged to read my bible in a way that brings new depth and insight in a fun and easy way. Praise God.

 I think that is about it for now. I will post a picture of Skien next post.



  1. Sounds like you are settling in well. Is the Sweden trip the equivalent of "Blackpool" last year? Looking forward to reading more about your exploits, Norway and YWAM Skien.

  2. no Sweeden is something else. I go to Newcastle as the Blackpool equivilent
